Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dress-up Day

Heidi is still taking medicine for pink eye, sinus infection, and ear infections... but seems to be feeling a lot better than she was a couple of days ago.

Today, she kept getting clothes out to dress-up in. She first put on a pink dress (upside-down & inside-out). Then, she added some pink shorts to match. Finally, she took a little yellow blanket and wrapped it around herself like a dress and then more like a shawl... and walked around the living room showing off how beautiful she was. She tried a few other things on today too. Today she had fun dressing up.

I think she thinks my backpack/diaper bag is a purse. She handed it to me this afternoon when I was getting ready for us to go to the store and said "purse." She actually has a couple of little purses of her own that she plays with sometimes. One that my parents gave her for Christmas and one that Rael Lessard (a friend from church) gave her for her birthday.

She has also been saying "okay" a lot this past week. I have started to notice that I use that lot too. She also says "Oh wow" and "Oh no" a lot.

We watched Cinerella twice today. She calls it a Barbie Show (Baw-bie Show, without the "r" sound). She thinks Cinderella is a Barbie. I guess they do kind of look alike.

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