Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quick Heidi & Hannah Update (because I haven't written anything in a while)

I haven't written anything in my blog in forever, so I thought I'd write a couple of quick notes...

The other day at preschool, Heidi's teacher told me that they were playing a game in class where the teacher would say, for instance, "What body part begins with the letter...?" Well, when she said "What body part begins with the letter "L" ... and she told them that they have two of these.... Heidi answered with "lungs." I think she's smart. :)

Hannah has been talking a LOT lately. She copies almost anything Heidi tries to do (whether it's good or bad). She used to love things like broccoli, green beans, and spaghetti until she heard Heidi say "yuck, broccoli" or "yuck, spaghetti." She loves wearing her pink, princess raincoat ALL of the time... even around the house. She also loves wearing a pink headband a lot that came with a nightgown that Grandma Vesta gave her a while back. I think her favorite colors are pink and purple because those are the colors that she usually chooses when I get a bowl or plate for her to eat with. For Christmas, she got tons of great presents! When she walked down the stairs and saw everything that Santa left for her, she got SO Excited! She kept saying babydoll and had an overly-excited laugh! She saw her babydoll in the little wooden highchair that Santa left for her in front of the tree and was just soooo excited to get down there and play with it!

Heidi also got a lot of great presents! Her biggest gift from Santa this year was a doll house mansion that she can use with her barbies. It's even taller than she is & she is tall for a 5-year-old! Santa also brought her an American Girl doll that has brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. She had been wanting one for a long time, so when I found one at a second-hand store in Bellingham (that was in perfect condition) I got it to give to her from Santa. She loves it and sleeps with it every night, but she tells me sometimes that she really wishes that her doll had blue eyes and blonde hair like she has. She has named her Katie. ... which reminds me, that's the same name that she told me the day I told her that I was pregnant in Texas that "you're going to have a girl and her name is going to be Katie." She really likes that name. We had even considered it (when I was pregnant with Hannah), but didn't use it. She sometimes uses it for some of her other dolls names, too.

Well, at least this is a little bit of an update for now...