Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another of Heidi's Commercials

Tonight Heidi was telling Brian "Daddy, you can grow your own natural brown hair." She was telling him about the Bosley hair for men commercial. I thought it was funny. She likes her commercials.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hannah is walking more than crawling now

Hannah took her first step back on January 12th and she has gradually taken more steps over the past few months. She has been able to take several steps for a while now, but has mostly been crawling to get from one place to another. This past week, though, (maybe since Tuesday) she has been doing more walking than crawling. I just thought I'd write a quick note on here about it since she's doing more walking now. She has hardly crawled at all in the past couple of days. Our little Hannah is growing up!

... She also makes moo sounds and tries to make bocking/chicken sounds. One of her most favorite books right now is Mr. Brown Can Moo Can you? And she loves hugging and feeding her babydolls.

Heidi fell on the gravel on our way to the park

Wednesday was a beautiful, sunny, perfect, springy day! So after Hannah woke up from her nap, we went for a walk over to the park that is close to our house. I had Hannah in the stroller and Heidi was wearing a cute jean skirt (with exposed knees) and a striped t-shirt. Just before we got to the park, we had to walk across a short gravel pathway. Heidi kept playing with Hannah while she was walking and she fell on the gravel. She ended up getting a little scratch on her left hand, left arm, and one of her knees was scraped with a couple of polka dots of blood on it. When she saw the couple of tiny spots of blood, she started crying and was really upset. I talked her into going on to the park and I cleaned the dirt up at the water fountain that was by the bathrooms. Then we put a bandaid on the cut that was on her hand and another one on her knee (to cover the two little polka dots of blood). She just kept complaining about her knee and wanted to go home. We walked over to where all of the play equipment was at the park, but she refused to play. There were probably 20 or so kids there that day because it was such a beautiful day out. Heidi told me that somebody might laugh at her because she has a bandaid on her knee. I tried to talk her into staying and playing, but she refused. It was such a pretty, sunny day... but we went home without playing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hannah tried to get milk from her big sister!

Hannah crawled up onto Heidi's lap on the couch tonight and did the milk sign before she started pulling her shirt down (just like she does with me). Heidi just kept telling her "No! No!" and was trying to pull her shirt back up. This is the first time Hannah has tried to get milk from her big sister. I thought it was funny.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monkey Noises, Being a Mom Is Not Always Easy, & Charlie Brown Bandaid

Hannah makes monkey noises now. After I showed Hannah her monkey yesterday and made "ooh ooh ah ah" noises, she started shaking her monkey and said "ah ah ah ah." She also laughed a lot in between "ah ah's." I think she was enjoying making her new animal noise.

This morning, I took Heidi and Hannah shopping in Bonney Lake. I REAAAAAAALLY needed some new clothes!!! It seems like EVERYTHING that I own has holes (except my one pair of pants/jeans). My pajama pants have even recently gotten holes in them (and yes, I've still been wearing them anyway, so the holes have continued to grow larger).... so I HAD to go buy a few things. I couldn't even go to church this next Sunday without buying a new shirt because the shirt I had been wearing did have some small holes in it... and they were getting bigger (and more noticable)... And I also got a stain on it this past week when I leaned forward and my chest area went into my plate (while I was holding Hannah)... So I had to get something to wear to church. I just got a few cheap shirts and a pair of pajama pants. I should probably buy a couple more things. I should probably buy a second pair of pants, too. It is just SO hard to shop with Heidi and Hannah for clothes. They constantly complain and Hannah kept crying with tons of mucus coming out of her nose because she was upset and wanted me to pick her up most of the time that I was trying clothes on. Being a mom is not always easy!

Oh yeah, I also just happen to have a pretty atrocious pimple on the left side of my chin. Heidi insisted today that I put a bandaid on it, so the people at the store won't see it... so I have a Charlie Brown bandaid on my face right now... and we are going to go to Fred Meyer to buy some things for salad tonight. I will probably take it off after I put her in the play area, but shh... don't tell Heidi.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Heidi finally noticed that Hannah doesn't have a hemangioma

Heidi and Hannah were taking a bath this morning when Heidi lifted up Hannah's left arm and said "Where's that 'mangioma?" She said it kind of the way someone would say "Where's your tummy?" to a baby just before tickling it. ... Heidi was born with a hemangioma on the upper our right/her left side of her tummy (kind of at the bottom of her rib cage). It was bright red and raised when she was a baby, but now it has faded to almost her skin color and is a little bumpy (not raised anymore). When Hannah was a little baby, I wondered when she would notice that Hannah didn't have one... It took Heidi a little over a year to notice. I told her that Hannah did not have one. She wanted to know why Hannah didn't have one, but she did, so I told her that hers was a special princess mark (kind of like the one that the princess has in The Princess and the Pauper barbie movie). I probably shouldn't have told her that, though. She may tell Hannah someday that she is not a real princess because she doesn't have the special princess mark. Oh well. I guess we will deal with that when it happens.

Hannah likes to say "ticka ticka" and tickle her own tummy... or even someone else's. She usually laughs a lot when she does this. Maybe Heidi was going to tickle her tummy where she thought her hemangioma was this morning in the bathtub.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cheese & Saying Her Name

I think it was Saturday that I gave Heidi and Hannah some meunster cheese for a snack. I showed Hannah the sign for cheese when I gave it to her. She seemed to get it when I showed it to her. Then on Sunday morning when she woke up, she started giving me the cheese sign, so I just had to reward her for her signing with a small piece of cheese! :)

Also, yesterday I was pointing to her and saying "Hannah" ... and then I would point to myself and said "Mommy." We also did this with "Daddy" and "Heidi." This morning, I saw Hannah standing just outside of the kitchen area pointing to her chest saying "Ann-yah Ann-yah" over and over again. I think she was pointing to herself and trying to say "Hannah" like we were doing last night. :)