Monday, July 28, 2008

Heidi's Obsession With Cherry Flavored Chapstick

Heidi has (in the last few weeks) become addicted to chapstick! She either calls it "lip stick" or "lip stuff" when she's asking where it is. She likes to put her cherry flavored chapstick on a couple to a few times every day. Sometimes she will keep putting it on and keep putting it on and I have to tell her "Okay Heidi, that's enough... let's put it away now." She really likes putting her "lip stick" on. She's definitely going to be a very girlie girl!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Heidi is Reaaaallly insisting on naming the baby Katie

Yesterday and today, Heidi has told me (refering to the baby) "Her name is not called Hannah. Her name is called Katie. Her name is not called Hannah. Her name is called Katie." I had asked her a while back if she liked the name Hannah, so she knows that I was thinking about naming the baby that if it was a girl... but she keeps INSISTING that the baby's name HAS to be Katie. I guess we could name her Hannah Katherine Blum and call her Katie, for short. Or we could name her Katie Hannah Blum... and then after she's born, just go with whatever Heidi wants to call her. We'll see... Maybe it won't even be a girl.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Heidi wants to call the baby Katie

The other day, Heidi told me we were going to call the baby in my tummy Katie. I don't know where she got that name from. We don't know any Katies. It is a cute name. I was thinking about using the name Hannah if it was a girl, but I guess Katie could be a possibility. I really like the name Sarah too, but Brian thinks it's too plain. Heidi already has a cousin named Sarah anyway, so I guess we should go with something else.

Today, Heidi took a plastic milk jug out of our recycling container and was pretending to pour it on me (making a shhhhhhh pouring noise). As she poured her pretend liquid on me, she said "I'm changing you into a boy." She doesn't want me to have a baby boy, though. She says that the baby is going to be a girl. I hope she's not too disappointed it if does turn out to be a boy. We really have no boy names picked out... so I am kind of hoping for a girl too, but we will have to wait until sometime around the end of September to find out what we're having.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Prenatal Appointment for Baby #2

Today was my first prenatal appointment with baby #2. I guess Fort Hood is such a big army post and there are so many people having babies here that everyone who is pregnant gets a midwife (unless you have complications). I was a little disappointed with my visit today. This is nothing like the clinic that I went to when I was pregnant with Heidi. I was able to have an ultrasound the day after my first prenatal dr visit when I was pregnant with Heidi (at somewhere around 8 - 10 weeks gestation). Here, however, I have to wait until sometime between 16 - 20 weeks to get an ultrasound! I had already had probably 3 or 4 ultrasounds by the time I was 20 weeks along with Heidi! Then, I had even more later (since I had some bleeding problems from mid to late pregnancy). Pretty much all they did today was check my blood pressure and temp (99.9 degrees)... and ask about my and my family's medical history. I just don't think they are as good here as at the clinic I went to for my last pregnancy. Here, I am just another number. Oh well... I guess we are moving in about a month anyway, so we won't be here for long.

First Prenatal Appt For Baby #2

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Genevieve was here this week...

Heidi's cousin Genevieve was visiting this week while her mom was at girls' camp. Here are some pictures of their time together...
They had fun coloring on the IKEA roll of paper that I sometimes roll out on the coffee table for Heidi to color on. They also enjoyed: eating fruit flavored V8 juice popsicles in the backyard, playing with the sand in the sand/water table, dressing up (with princess crowns, slippers, dresses, jewelry, etc), reading books, playing in the backyard, and playing with our Little People sets.
A couple of times, Heidi got a little frustrated with Genevieve and asked me "When's her Rachel going to come and take her?" But, when it was finally time for Genevieve to leave today, Heidi didn't want her to leave.