Saturday, June 5, 2010

Smoothies And A Movie

Tonight we all watched a movie together! With Brian working so many hours and so many projects that have needed to be done around here, it is not always easy to find time to do something as a family... but tonight we watched Alice In Wonderland together. It was a little weird/creepy. Heidi says that the part where Alice was fighting the Jabberwocky (sp?) was scary. Hannah even sat on the couch with us most of the time (with a lot of tickling and playing to keep her entertained). It was a fun night. I don't think we've ever even done this before together. I also made smoothies for dessert with blueberries, strawberries, and bananas. They were yummy. :) I just thought I would write about our night since it is not very often that we get to do things together.

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