Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just a quick note

Tomorrow is Heidi's preschool graduation party. She has to go back to preschool again next year, so she'll have another graduation next year, too. She's pretty excited about it. Her class is meeting at a super jump house place where the kids will sing some songs and get to jump on a bunch of jump house things. There's even a HUGE bouncy slide. I'm going to try to take pictures, but my camera is SLLLLOOOWWWWWW... so we'll see how they turn out. I'm not sure that they will be that great because I'm sure Heidi will be moving pretty fast. It may be hard to get some good pictures.

Hannah is learning new things everyday. She does the sign for snail now, says "na" for snail, says "do" (w/a short o sound) for "dog," and says "bu biiiiii" (w/short u and long i) for "surprise." She loves hiding behind the big Huggies diaper box in her bedroom and popping out to say either "surprise" or "peek-a-boo" over and over again. She also loves taking baths. We have a lot of bath toys (including 3 mermaids, a couple of rubber duckies, 2 boats, foam alphabet letters, and some misc. other rubber/plastic water animals. When she was taking a bath last night, though, the toy that she was most interested in was the shampoo bottle that I had just finished using the last of. She spent so much time just putting the lid on and taking it off... and just trying to figure out how to screw/unscrew it. Hannah may not be as verbal as Heidi was at this age, but I think she is pretty good and figuring out how things work.

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