Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sick Girls

Heidi and Hannah have been sick. Yesterday morning after I woke Heidi up to get ready for preschool, she told me that her stomach didn't feel good. We walked downstairs and I gave her some apple juice (which I probably should not have done), and after a couple of sips, she looked like she was about to throw-up, so I ran for the trash can and just barely made it to her in time. She threw up about 6 or so times through the day. She didn't eat anything all day yesterday and she stayed on the couch all day, laying down and watching movies. I thought she was finished throwing up by the time I put her to bed that night, but when she woke up this morning, she told me that she threw up in her trash can last night (that I put next to her bed with some washcloths closeby to wipe her mouth off with). I hope she's going to get better soon. This morning she wanted something to eat and she didn't want plain toast, so I gave her some chicken noodle soup.

Hannah has also had a fever since yesterday. She's also really grouchy. I know she doesn't feel good.

I just hope they get better soon. I need to get to the grocery store and buy more milk and a few other things (basics). I also have a couple of books that came in at the library that I had on hold that are going to go back into the system if I don't go pick them up today, but I am not sure if I will be able to go get them. Anyway, that's what's going on with us right now...

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

I am sorry they are not feeling well:( It is no fun to be sick, or have sick kids... hopefully they will get well soon and you wont catch it.