Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heidi: Dentist & Witch

Today Heidi had her second dentist appointment (cleaning/check-up). She was great for the dentist! Then on the way out, she got a goodie bag with a new Snow White toothbrush, toothpaste, two princess flossers, floss, and toothpaste... plus 3 coins to get junk out of the coin machines in the lobby that she used to get a beaded bracelet, a plastic puppy, and a ring. It was a great visit for Heidi! Hannah, on the other hand, was not so happy. She was tired and grouchy because it was her naptime, so she was a little difficult.

Oh, we also wrote in Heidi's diary/journal again today. I won't write everything she said on here, but here's a little part of what she wrote:

"Everybody thinks Hannah's prettier than me 'cause everybody loves her better and they don't love me. They call her princess and they call me witch."

Well, this is not true. Nobody, as far as I know, has ever called her witch. She does get upset whenever somebody says something like "Oh, she's so cute." ... like when we're at the grocery store or out doing something. I often tell Heidi that she's pretty and that she's a princess. I think she is just still a little upset that she's not the center of attention anymore. I did think it was a little funny, though, when she said that people call her witch.

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