Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day Three: Still No More Milk...

I am still on sterroids and have 4 days left on them... so still no milk for Heidi. She is also 23-months-old today. This morning and this afternoon, she got a little fussy when I wouldn't feed her breast milk (when she woke up and before nap time). Tonight when I put her to bed, she did not even ask if she could have any. I think I had distracted her from it. We read a couple of books, as we usually do. One of the books we read was an old Golden Book called Baby Dear from 1962. It is a cute little story about a little girl who gets a new baby sister and a new little baby doll. In the story, she and her mother both wash, feed, rock, sing to, walk, change, write about, and talk to their babies. We both held baby dolls and acted out most of these things with the babies. We must have sang Rock-a-bye Baby 5 times before we could move on. Then, I told Heidi that it was time to brush her teeth, which she does not like to do... and she told me "No (pointed to her crib), bed!" I brushed her teeth anyway really quick and then she was ready to get into bed just to get away from the toothbrush. She DID give me a kiss tonight before she went to bed... and I think she gave me a hug too. She also told me "I lub oo." Then, she said "Daddy's bear" (meaning the bear she was holding... the one that Brian gave her when he got off of the airplane when he came home on R&R from Iraq last May... the one that she sleeps with every night cuddled up next to her chest with her arms around it). Then, she said "I lub Daddy... high-in-a-sky ...in helicoter." We saw some more helicopters today in the sky and they reminded her of Daddy today, so I guess she was thinking about him in helicopters again. When we were coloring today, she wanted me to draw a picture of Daddy in a "helicoter high-in-a-sky," so I did. I also told her that Daddy will be coming home soon and will be able to open Christmas presents with us. She doesn't know how far off that is though... and we probably will have to wait to celebrate Christmas after it has already happened.

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