Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Heidi thinks there should be potties in cars that just pop up in your seat when you need to go.

Not long ago, maybe a week or so ago, I was at the Dollar Tree looking to buy some craft-making items. While we were there, Heidi found for sale those horse-on-a-stick things. I'm not sure what they're called. We really don't need anymore toys, so I didn't buy her one (even though they were only a dollar). Anyway, today she asked me if she could use a sock and glue some googly eyes on it and draw a smile for a mouth... and then put it on the end of a broom stick, so she could pretend that she had a horse. I thought it was a fun idea, so I gave her an old, odd, pink baby sock (that Hannah has outgrown anyway) and she made her pretend horse. She likes making crafty things. I think it was a cute idea.

She was also telling me yesterday that she thinks the people who make cars should start putting potties in them, so when kids need to go, they will just pop up in their seats and they should even have toilet paper on the tops of the potties. She wrote about this in her diary/journal yesterday, too. I think it is funny, the things that 4-year-olds think about.

1 comment:

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

sounds like a good idea, but the car might get a little stinky....