Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sick Girls

Heidi has been sick since Sunday with maybe a low-grade fever, watery/reddish/puffy eyes, runny nose, no energy, no appetite, etc. She didn't go to church on Sunday and she even missed preschool yesterday (which she was pretty sad about). She spent the whole day on the couch (except when she got up to use the bathroom). She got to watch lots of movies yesterday during her time on the couch. She seems to be doing a little better today (with a little more energy and eyes not as red/watery). I'm hoping she will be a lot better by this evening, so she will be okay to go to school tomorrow, but I don't know yet...

... Now, Hannah has a fever of 100.2. She seems to be acting okay so far and doesn't look as bad as Heidi has been looking... so I hope she won't get as sick.

... A few hours later, Hannah's temperate went up to 103, so I gave her some motrin. Hope she feels better soon. :(

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