Thursday, November 19, 2009

Heidi's new vocabulary

Heidi has been saying "What the heck?" a lot lately. I don't know where she got that from. I was kind of shocked the other day when I heard her say it. Brian and I don't say it. She's also been using the word "devour" a lot lately, too, thanks to Word Girl. Word Girl is probably her favorite cartoon right now. She's learning new vocabulary words every time she watches it. She was going to be Word Girl for Halloween this year, but she changed her mind (and was Snow White instead). For her birthday, my mom and dad got Heidi a book called My Mom Is Ruining My Life. Since I read that book to her, she's been using that phrase too (My mom is ruining my life). Anyway, just thought I'd mention a few new words/phrases she's been using a lot lately.