Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heidi's School Day

Heidi had show-and-tell today at preschool. She brought her bunny rabbit that she calls Fluffy that she got for her birthday last year at Build-a-Bear. She sleeps with it every night and likes to hold it sometimes while watching movies. It had been quarantined in a plastic bag for just over 4 weeks after we had head lice in our house. We just took her out of quarantine Sunday night. Heidi also wrote in her diary/journal about her day at school today. Here's what she wrote:

  • I went to school today. I learned the cookie song. It goes "Mommy stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? It couldn't be." I painted a leaf red and orange and yellow. I learned "C." (She kept making the "K" sound while writing another line of scribbles.) We had popcorn and Tang. I didn't want a gumball. (They usually get one from the machine on their way out the door). I didn't want to. I saved my penny. Miss Cindy gave me my penny. Alicia was gone. Maybe she was at a vacation. Maybe she went on a vacation with Sophie (another girl from church). The end.

I think she has decided that she doesn't like gum. I think she doesn't like it because it is something that she is supposed to chew for a long time, unlike candy (that you can just chew and swallow).

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