Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1/2 cm Dialated...

I had another appointment today with my OB. I guess I am now dialated a whole 1/2 cm. The doctor says that I have a short window of time that he thinks I could have a chance of having the baby w/o having to worry about a c-section (because she is getting pretty big). He said that by feeling my tummy right now, she feels like she is around 9 pounds right now. He doesn't think she is a 10-pounder yet, but he has scheduled for me to go into the hospital on Friday to be induced (if I have not already had her by then). I will probably go in sometime in the evening, which is good because Brian will be down in Portland, Oregon all day in a meeting and won't make it back up to Bellingham until Friday night sometime... so he can just come up to the hospital when he gets up here. My mom is also flying in on Saturday, which is when I'll probably end up having the baby. I hope everything works out okay... and I REAAAAAALLY hope I don't have to have a c-section!!!

Heidi and I have been sick this week and I had told her that if she is still sick when I have the baby, she won't be able to come in and see me. They'll have to take me whether I'm sick or not if I go into labor, but I don't think they want sick children visiting. She seems to have understood this when I explained it to her. This morning when I was getting her ready to go to my dr's appt with me, I told her that she was going to see the doctor with me today, so he could check on the baby... She said to me something like "But I can't go to the hospital if I'm still sick." I'm glad she understands and I hope she won't get too upset if she can't go see me... I told her today was just a dr's appt, though, so it was okay and that she could go with me. She did pretty well sitting in the chair waiting in the office. As her special treat for being good, she got to eat a special cookie with pink frosting and little hearts on top.

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