Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Hannah's 3-D Ultrasound Pictures

Today, we had to drive Steve's car to my 7:15am ultrasound appointment because we didn't think we could make it there in our car. There was a LOT of snow outside and we would have probably gotten stuck. Steve's car has special snow-studded tires.
Baby Hannah is supposed to be about 3.75 pounds right now, but the ultrasound computer is estimating her weight at 5.5 pounds! I am a little worried because I don't want to have a 10 pound baby in February! She's not supposed to be 5.5 pounds for another month.
Today is Christmas Eve, so we are going to have Chrismas dinner at Brian's mom's house tonight.

1 comment:

Woolverton Girl said...

Hopefully their guestimate on the weight is off. They were way off on Mason, he was supposed to be close to 9 lbs and he was just barely 7.

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