Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Prenatal Appointment for Baby #2

Today was my first prenatal appointment with baby #2. I guess Fort Hood is such a big army post and there are so many people having babies here that everyone who is pregnant gets a midwife (unless you have complications). I was a little disappointed with my visit today. This is nothing like the clinic that I went to when I was pregnant with Heidi. I was able to have an ultrasound the day after my first prenatal dr visit when I was pregnant with Heidi (at somewhere around 8 - 10 weeks gestation). Here, however, I have to wait until sometime between 16 - 20 weeks to get an ultrasound! I had already had probably 3 or 4 ultrasounds by the time I was 20 weeks along with Heidi! Then, I had even more later (since I had some bleeding problems from mid to late pregnancy). Pretty much all they did today was check my blood pressure and temp (99.9 degrees)... and ask about my and my family's medical history. I just don't think they are as good here as at the clinic I went to for my last pregnancy. Here, I am just another number. Oh well... I guess we are moving in about a month anyway, so we won't be here for long.

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

I know what you mean! The ultrasound is the best part! It makes the pregnancy feel real and if you get all pumped for the dr's appt and then they don't do it that is a huge let down! I think they are a lot more generous with the ultrasounds when it is your first baby though, maybe not, that's just what it seemed like. I can't wait to find out what you are having! Are you gonna cheat and find out at 15 weeks with 4d imaging??