Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baby # 2 is on his/her way and will be here around February 16th

Last week, I had been feeling a little sick off and on through the week. Last Friday, I decided that I would go to the medical clinic behind my house to get a free pregnancy test. I asked if I could go ahead and take a blood test because I was not really due to have my monthly visitor yet until Monday... so they gave me one. They told me that it would take about an hour for the results to come back and that they would call me if it was positive, so I went home. About 45 minutes later, the doctor at the clinic called and asked me to verify Brian's last 4 of his social security number before he could let me know my results, and he then told me that the test was positive. I gave Brian a call at work right away and told him. Then, I think I called everyone else in our families pretty soon after.

When I first told Heidi that I was pregnant and that I had a baby in my tummy, I asked her what she hoped that I would have... a boy or a girl. She said "No boys! We don't like boys!!"

Since we found out, I have checked out a few books about babies and where they come from to read to Heidi. I don't go into the specifics (like the books do). I like how they show the pictures of the babies in the mommies' tummies, though. I just tell her that when mommies and daddies love each other, sometimes a baby will start to grow in the mommy's tummy. She knows there is a baby in my tummy now. When we would cuddle on the couch and read books or watch tv, sometimes she used to say "That's Heidi's Momma" or "You're Heidi's Momma." Now, she says "That's/Your's Heidi's Momma and Baby's Momma." I think she is happy about it. When I was explaining that when it grows and grows in my tummy until it gets too big to stay in there anymore... it will finally come out... she said "Then we can kiss it."

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

Dana, this blog is awesome!! I didn't know anything about any of these stories!! so cute, i love it:) You should tell the fam about it and maybe everyone will start to make one:)