Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Old Gray Mare

Heidi has started using me as a horse now. When I was younger, my dad used to let us climb onto his back, and then he would walk down the hall singing The Old Gray Mare song to us on our way to bed at night. I tried it the other day with Heidi (not on the way to bed) and she kept wanting to get back on my back and go for more horsey rides. Since then, she sometimes tries to climb onto my back for another horse ride. Here are the words to the Old Gray Mare song:
The old gray mare
She aint what she used to be
Aint what she used to be
Aint what she used to be
The old gray mare
She aint what she used to be
Many long years ago
Today, we had to go to the commissary to buy something to make for tomorrow's Easter party that the battalion is having. They are having a pot luck dinner at the party. I am going to make a ham because I will only have to put it in the oven and slice it. I wanted something easy. I was hoping to find a really small cheap one for $7 or $8, but ended up getting an $11 one that had a $1 off coupon with it.
Heidi is so hard to go to the commissary with. She stands up in the seat part of the cart, even if I strap her in... and that is Dangerous! She usually tries to get me to pick her up when she stands up in the seat. If I put her in the basket part of the shopping cart, she either throws things out of the cart or she is constantly trying to eat something (even if I bring her a snack and a sippy cup). One time, she threw two yogurt cups out of the cart and they burst open. She has bitten into banana peels, orange peels, hotdogs in the package, cheese in the package, and has eaten paper boxes. She also gets mad at least half way through the store and insists on being carried through the rest of the store. She weighs about 24 or 25 pounds now, and it is just too hard to carry her around for too long and think about what you need to buy. She is not very still when you carry her. She likes to wiggle and move around a lot (usually trying to get down so she can run around and get into things)! Unfortunately, commissary day usually ends in tears.

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