Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heidi's Frog Prince Story

Tonight Heidi started telling me a story and I thought I might just write down what she was saying, so I grabbed a paper and pen and asked her to start over. Then, I copied it into her diary/journal. I thought I would put it in here too because I thought it was cute, especially when she said that the frog "turned into the prince of course." This is different from any frog prince story that I have ever heard... Here's Heidi's story:

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess. The princess had a dad, and she woke up in the night and she saw the frog. The frog said ribbit. And she kissed him. And he turned into the prince of course. They wanted to get married. Then her dad woke up and saw her and the prince and he said "You can't marry this person." They thew him into the dungeon. "I love him!" And they got married. They kisseded. They loved each other and they had babies and they were happy. The end.

... This is not told in perfect English, but she is only a 3-year-old. I don't know how the princess got the prince out of the dungeon. I should have asked. She was just telling it so fast that I was just trying to get it all down. Anyway, I thought it was cute. :)

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

I thought they threw the dad into the dungeon... haha, cute story!