Monday, May 3, 2010

Our trip to Alabama

For the first two weeks in April, we (Heidi, Hannah, and me) were in Alabama visiting my parents. This the first time my dad got to see Hannah (other than just in pictures). Heidi had spring break and we had a free companion ticket, so we decided that would be a good time to go. Getting there was NOT fun! After having only about 2 hours of sleep, I woke up at about 3:30am to get the car loaded and get the girls ready to go. We were running a little late, so after we made it through security in the Seattle airport, I didn't think I had time to put my shoes on. I was carrying Hannah, my shoes, and a very full backpack while Heidi was following me towards our gate. When we got to the escalator, I didn't realize there would be a problem. I got on, but Heidi didn't. I kept moving down, but she kept refusing to get on. I kept saying "Heidi, get on... Come on, GET ON!" I was trying to run UP the DOWN escalator in my SOCKS while holding Hannah and my shoes. I wasn't getting very far and the spikey parts of each step really hurt when you are in socks and your toes keep hitting them while trying to run up. Finally, a man came and saw what was going on. He picked Heidi up and put her on for me. Then, Hannah screamed during most of our flight from Seattle to Atlanta. This was a LONG flight! It was over 5 hours. The flight attendant kept suggesting that I walk around with her, but this didn't help. There was a lady sitting across the aisle from us who kept taking off her eye mask and giving me mean looks, too. I was doing all that I could to try to calm Hannah down, but nothing worked. Our flight home was completely opposite. People were even complimenting them after we landed in Seattle on how well-behaved they were on the flight. If they had only seen them on the other flight...
While we were there, we: drove down to Panama City, Florida and went to the beach (where Heidi was afraid of the sand and water, but she found a HUGE seashell that we hid in the sand for her to find) and shopping, went for a drive through the Azalea Trail, went to Landmark Park, went to a special cupcake store, went to a playground, the Easter bunny came to visit, and Heidi & Hannah had fun playing with Grandma Holly & Grandpa George. Heidi misses having happy hour in the evenings with my parents, too. She enjoyed taking her sippy cup of juice outside on the back porch area of the house with my parents and visit or swing on the swing that my dad tied to the tree in the backyard. Hannah got her first two molars while we were there (both in the back/bottom of her mouth). I think my parents are planning on coming to Washington for a visit next year.
I'll try to add some pictures later... I have a crying baby on my lap right now...

1 comment:

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

Sounds like quite a fun yet challenging trip, glad you made it through....