Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hannah: 1-Year Well-Baby Check-Up

I took Hannah for her 1-year well-baby check-up this afternoon and the doctor said that she has ear infections in both ears, so we stopped by Fred Meyer on the way home to pick up some antibiotics.

Today has been a busy day! First, Heidi had preschool... Hannah and I went with her on her field trip to the fire station. Then, we came home, had lunch, and after Hannah had a short nap, we went to her appointment in Bonney Lake. After that, we stopped by Fred Meyer and got a few groceries and medicine... went back home to pick up some library things that needed to be returned... and then went by the library. Busy day.

Here's how Hannah is growing:

Height: 30 1/4 inches 75 - 90th %
Weight: 22.11 pounds 75th %
Head: 18 1/2 inches 90 - 95th %

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

At Cheyenne's 1 year check up she was in the 10th percentile in height and the 50th percentile in weight... Hannah is probably bigger than her right now! I am sorry she is sick and hope she gets better soon:)