Sunday, January 31, 2010

Heidi ate spaghetti sauce!

Heidi ate spaghetti tonight WITH SAUCE on it!!! She is totally against eating anything with any kind of sauce on it. She refuses to eat anything with ketchup, mayo, mustard, BBQ sauce, honey mustard, or any kind of sauce. I told her tonight that she was a big girl now and that she needs to start eating her noodles with sauce on them. She likes pizza, so I told her that it's just kind of like pizza... They both have almost the same kind of sauce and we put some parmesan cheese on it, too. I told her that she HAD to eat sauce on her noodles or she would not get dessert, she would not get to stay up and watch the Simpsons tonight, and she also would not get to have book time before bed tonight... so she ate it! She actually said that she liked it, too! :) I hope that she remembers she liked it tonight (the next time I make spaghetti).

1 comment:

Southern Belle said...

haha, that is kind of funny that you want her to eat sauce because isn't the sauce the unhealthy part? I thought we put the sauce on to get the kids to eat the stuff under the sauce! haha.. I guess the meat is in the sauce though and that would be where she would get protein... I really hope Cheyenne isn't a picky eater, I don't know if I will have the patience for that... so far she eats everything but i have heard that changes...