Friday, March 26, 2010

Heidi fell on the gravel on our way to the park

Wednesday was a beautiful, sunny, perfect, springy day! So after Hannah woke up from her nap, we went for a walk over to the park that is close to our house. I had Hannah in the stroller and Heidi was wearing a cute jean skirt (with exposed knees) and a striped t-shirt. Just before we got to the park, we had to walk across a short gravel pathway. Heidi kept playing with Hannah while she was walking and she fell on the gravel. She ended up getting a little scratch on her left hand, left arm, and one of her knees was scraped with a couple of polka dots of blood on it. When she saw the couple of tiny spots of blood, she started crying and was really upset. I talked her into going on to the park and I cleaned the dirt up at the water fountain that was by the bathrooms. Then we put a bandaid on the cut that was on her hand and another one on her knee (to cover the two little polka dots of blood). She just kept complaining about her knee and wanted to go home. We walked over to where all of the play equipment was at the park, but she refused to play. There were probably 20 or so kids there that day because it was such a beautiful day out. Heidi told me that somebody might laugh at her because she has a bandaid on her knee. I tried to talk her into staying and playing, but she refused. It was such a pretty, sunny day... but we went home without playing.

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