Thursday, November 19, 2009

Frère Jacques

One day a while back when I was singing Frère Jacques to Hannah, Heidi got upset and said "That's my song." I guess she was upset because that was one of the songs I used to sing to her almost every night when she was a baby (and she's still a little jealous of her baby sister). Then, one night about a week ago... I asked her if she wanted to sing the Frère Jacques song before she went to bed and she said "No, that's a silly song." I guess she thought it was silly because the words don't make sense to her. I tried to explain to her that it sounds silly because the words are from another language... and other people from different parts of the world speak different languages, like Dora (who speaks Spanish). We always sing it in English after we sing it in French (the Brother John version). She still seemed to think it was too silly to sing and said she didn't want to sing it. Then, last night... I put Heidi to bed first and then went to Hannah's room to get her ready for bed. I started singing the Frère Jacques song to Hannah and Heidi heard me singing it in her room... and she got upset and wanted me to sing it to her. I guess she can't make up her mind about whether she wants me to sing it to her or not. I think she was just wanting me to sing it to her, though, because I was singing her song to Hannah again.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I sing a couple of songs to the girls, but substitute their name in them. ("Bicycle built for Two" and "My Bonny lies over the Ocean"). But for some reason Laura wants me to sing them with Katie's name it in.